WWE decided to pre-tape several weeks’ worth of television and that called for a return from injury. This is your official spoiler warning, so please turn away if this click was an accident.
Danny Burch made his return during an early segment filmed during the August 23rd tapings. Burch was injured in March, and he was 1/2 of the NXT Tag Team Champions with Oney Lorcan at the time.
Click here for our complete coverage of WWE NXT television tapings.
According to Bodyslam.net, who provided spoilers from the tapings, Burch came back to assist Pete Dunne, Oney Lorcan, and Ridge Holland to destroy Timothy Thatcher & Tommaso Ciampa.
Ridge Holland defeats Timothy Thatcher. After the match, Ciampa attempts to check on Thatcher before Holland pulls him off. All four men, including Dunne get into a scuffle before Oney Lorcan and a returning Danny Burch come to the aid of Holland and Dunne. The four men walk backstage together after subduing Ciampa and Thatcher.
We’ll have to see what Danny Buch is able to do during this next chapter in his NXT career. It appears that he is picking things back up with Oney Lorcan and Pete Dunne. The addition of Ridge Holland will only make their faction stronger.
What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!