Sarah Logan and Erik of the Viking Raiders celebrated the birth of their baby in February, and Logan is still breastfeeding. There are many old wives tales about child rearing and she’s taking a suggestion that involves drinking dark beer.
Logan, who was released from WWE last year, posted a photo on Instagram that got a lot of people to stop their endless scroll. She was breastfeeding while drinking a bottle of Guinness. Her caption explained it all, because he’s all about helping her milk supply.
When my midwife told me drinking dark beer after giving birth would help with my milk supply I happily obliged.
After 44 hours of labor and a c section this Mama needed it.
We’ll take Sarah Logan’s word on a Guinness helping out in this situation. It seems to help her out, and she gets to enjoy a beer. Some people might not 100% approve of this method, but Logan felt confident enough in it that she posted this photo on Instagram for all to see.
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