AEW Dynamite featured an unplanned spot where a fan jumped the railing and tried to get involved with the program. He was a big fan of Jim Cornette and Vince Russo’s podcasts, but Cornette has made it clear that this fan did not act on his behalf.

Kenny Omega tweeted out to drag Cornette and “low IQ man children” who listen to him. “Is it finally time to assume some responsibility and dial the online persona back a bit? Your low IQ man children have evolved from parroting your comments to actually acting out in (attempted) violence,” the AEW World Champion tweeted out.

Cornette did not like this comment at all. He fired off a response to The Cleaner where he held nothing back. He took offense to the “low IQ” comment and also proclaimed that Kenny Omega is a “moron” and a “turdblossom.”

You & I agree for the first time–this guy IS a moron, or he wouldn’t have been at a show with your phony ass on it. Two clarifications: Unlike you I’ve SEEN violence in an arena & this wasn’t it, & secondly looking at your supporters I wouldn’t toss the phrase “low IQ” around.


Also, Turdblossom, I don’t have an “online persona” because unlike you I’m not a complete f*cking fake. If you don’t like my opinion I really don’t give 2 shits, but I don’t have to make ANYTHING up to tell you what I think about your phony ass.

Jim Cornette’s co-host Brian Last also chimed in since Omega was dragging fans of the shows he is such a large part of. “Look at this clown clutching his pearls. If Omega was a man, he’s cut bait with Don Callis for the way he treated women behind the scenes in Impact. But, you know, bad things only count when they’re done by people who criticize your bad in-ring emoting,” Last tweeted back in reply

Cornette spoke out against the fan who jumped the ring at AEW Dynamite, but that doesn’t make him an AEW fan. This battle will likely continue to be waged, but it’s not the only one going for Cornette right now. He is also in heated and profanity-filled Twitter war with Reby Hardy over this situation.

What’s your take on Jim Cornette’s reputation in pro wrestling? Does he get a bad rap? Sound off in the comments!

Tags: Kenny Omega
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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