Mick Foley is all about keeping the Christmas spirit alive all year long, and that comes with a very giving personality. He was recently given some big credit online as one selfless act was revealed.

A Twitter account called The Signature Spot tweeted out a bit of information that most fans didn’t know. After Rip Rogers was in a hit and run accident that knocked his teeth out, Foley helped out in a big way by paying for Rogers’ teeth with the money he made taking photographs at his comedy show.

Rip Rogers later tweeted out to confirm that this story is 100% true. He also gave Mick Foley a ton of credit for being one of the good ones.

Mick paid for my dentures with his picture money from his comedy shows in Chicago and Indianapolis … the man is an Angel … one of the good ones … I owe him plenty …


Foley replied to say, “It was an honor, Rip. @ColtCabana & I couldn’t have The Hustler dining only on soup for the rest of his life!” Rip Rogers hadn’t heard that Colt Cabana was in on the donation, because he was at the show that night as well. “I didn’t know Colt donated also .. so I owe him immensely also .. so thank u Colt Cabana!!!” Rogers replied.

This is the kind of story we need more of, because there is just so much badness in the world today. Mick Foley is really one of the good ones, and so is Colt Cabana.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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