Vince McMahon is on his way to the WWE Performance Center today and that will be quite a day for staff in Orlando. The Chairman rarely makes a visit to that location and some are wondering what his purpose is for this trip.

The WWE main roster is looking for additions. People like Karrion Kross, Bronson Reed, Shotzi Blackheart, and Scarlett have received tryouts in the past few weeks. That could very well be what McMahon is looking into today. Some in the PC are still a bit concerned there are other purposes for this visit.

McMahon rarely visits the WWE Performance Center so this is a big deal. Some are a bit concerned within the PC because WWE has been cutting a lot of people as of late.

As you might imagine, the rare visit from McMahon has many who work within the PC and WWE NXT privately concerned, given the amount of cuts the company has made in recent months.   


WWE fired over 60 employees from different digital departments as the combined into WWE Media, a new division headed up by Kevin Dunn. There are some within the WWE Performance Center who are a bit worried that Vince McMahon could see a way to consolidate that program as well.

It is natural to get nervous whenever the big boss of the company comes to your site, especially if he’s known for his firing sprees. Hopefully, this is just a visit to check on some NXT talent and not line people up on the chopping block.

What’s your take on Vince McMahon’s WWE Performance Center visit? Sound off in the comments!

Tags: WWE Featured
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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