Jim Ross committed a huge mistake during the closing moments of AEW Dynamite this week. He said that there is nothing like seeing WWE Dynamite live. That was the correct program, but not the right company. This mistake was obviously called to his attention.
Click here for our complete coverage of AEW Dynamite from this week.
You can check here to check out Jim Ross making that big faux pas here. Jim Ross obviously realized what he did. He commented after the event and said that there are “no excuses” for what he did. Then he made it very clear that he is not quitting.
Yep I apparently made an untimely error tonight at shows end.
No excuses.
And I’m not quitting.
This is not the first time that Jim Ross has accidentally said “WWE” when he meant to say AEW. That was a very unfortunate time to make that mistake. Hopefully, it won’t happen again. Odds are he’ll be very careful to not let it happen again.
What’s your take on Jim Ross’ big mistake during AEW Dynamite? Sound off in the comments!