WWE released a lot of talent and staff over the last couple of months. There are also impending talks of Vince McMahon putting the company up for sale. That was no-sold by Wall Street for while, but the company’s stock shot up quite a bit this morning.

WWE’s stock price has gone up 13.04% today as of this writing. That is up $7.58 so far. The stock price peaked a bit at just over $70 at around 9:45 this morning, but then it did dip back down a bit. It is still above where they were this time yesterday.

We will continue monitoring WWE’s stock ticker. There are rumors that Vince McMahon might finally sell. Nick Khan seems to be placing things in line to be attractive for a possible buyer. He cut the bottom line by eliminating huge contracts and consolidated departments into one division.

WWE has a ton of intellectual property and guaranteed money with TV contracts and a massive deal with Saudi Arabia. It’s always possible that the trickle of rumors about WWE going up for sale finally got to Wall Street. We will certainly keep a close eye on this developing story.


You can check out the stock chart (so far this morning) below. Keep in mind, that number is bound to change.

What’s your take on WWE’s stock going up? Why do you think it jumped? Sound off in the comments!

Tags: WWE Featured
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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