Charlotte Flair caused a bit of a stir when she liked a controversial tweet from Gal Gadot. That resulted in some fans calling out to cancel The Queen. She had a lot of people behind her, and others who are generally sick of the entire cancel culture as well. Kayla Braxton is also apparently in Flair’s corner.
WWE The Bump’s Host jumped on Twitter and she addressed the recent cry to cancel a celebrity. This happened as the “Cancel Charlotte” trend was gaining momentum. Braxton didn’t name Charlotte specifically, but he did ask to go one day without some campaign rising up to cancel someone because of something they didn’t agree with.
Can we go one day without the need to cancel someone for saying or doing something we don’t personally agree with?
Hurricane Helms replied to Braxton’s tweet by saying: “Cancel Kayla.” She probably had that one coming, but she also had a point.
Many came to Charlotte Flair’s defense who might not even be the biggest stans for The Queen. They simply saw another instance of a cancel culture uprising and were tired of such a paper-thin reasoning to cancel someone when there are so many larger offenders who are still on television every week.
Who do you think WWE should really cancel? Talk about it in the comments!