Daniel Bryan’s Yes Kicks are a big part of his in-ring arsenal. Vince Russo thinks the spot is stupid and it is not believable at all.
Lee Walker recently spoke to Vince Russo where he picked apart one popular pro wrestling spot that typically gets WWE fans to pop. Daniel Bryan’s Yes Kicks are a favorite among fans, but Vince Russo would change the channel.
“I am a normal guy and I am on TV, and I have my remote in my hand, last night and I come across this wrestling show. Okay, I’m not a wrestling fan… let me see what this is. First thing I see is a guy on his knees with his hands by his side allowing himself to get kicked in the chest five straight times… as a regular television viewer, I’m watching this and I’m like, ‘Who would do that?’ Like, who would not try to defend themselves and just let himself get kicked in the chest five times? Bro… goodbye. That is unrealistic. That is ridiculous. That is stupid. That is silly, goodbye, I am no longer going to be watching the show.”
This isn’t the only controversial take that Vince Russo has ever floated by. He is generally known for being outspoken about his beliefs regarding pro wrestling. This is certainly one opinion that will probably generate a bit of a response from fans who can’t wait to chant “YES” once again at a WWE event while Daniel Bryan plasters his shin guard across an opponent’s chest.