The Godfather is in the WWE Hall of Fame, but that isn’t the only iconic character he played for WWE. Many fans prefer the Papa Shango character, and he still haunts their nightmares to this day.
Scheduled for Two Falls recently spoke to the Godfather. The Papa Shango character came up during the conversation. Looking back, Godfather wishes that he wasn’t so green in the pro wrestling business when he was given that voodoo character. He could have done a lot more with it if he had more knowledge at the time.
“I wish, looking back, I wish I was not so green in the business because I could probably have been better at being Papa Shango like Kamala was at being Kamala. I probably could have been a better Papa Shango but dude, I had no idea what I was stepping into. Going from a country tobacco chewing, country music listening, old truck driving, biker to a voodoo man. It was a stretch!”
The Godfather shows up at WWE events every now and then as a legend. Papa Shango really hasn’t seen too many returns, but you can never write off the possibility that WWE will need his spooky magic again someday. If that character does return, Godfather has a lot more knowledge at this point.