Brodie Lee tragically passed away, but his memory will live on through those who knew him best. Amanda Huber, Brodie’s wife recently revealed an amazing story about how he proposed marriage to her.

During a recent Instagram Q&A, Amanda Huber was asked how Brodie Lee proposed marriage. This took place weeks after her cat passed away. Brodie missed date night, but he later showed up with a kitten to help him pop the question.

He bailed on date night which I was super annoyed with.

There was a knock at the door and he was on one knee with a kitten who ha a ring on a ribbon on its neck.


My cat had passed away a few weeks prior and I was heartbroken.

He was upset that I was more excited about the kitten than I was about the ring.

His name is “Wiz” and he still lives at my parents’ house.

Jon Huber’s passing will never be easy to accept. Losing Brodie Lee hit the pro wrestling community in a huge way. Amanda Huber will always have those memories of her husband and we are lucky that she was willing to share this event with the world.

RIP Brodie.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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