Drew McIntyre tested positive positive for COVID-19, but he has no clue how he was infected with the virus.

During the Wrestling Observer Newsletter this week, it was noted that Drew McIntyre “has no idea how he got it because he very rarely leaves the house if not for work these days.” He tested positive on January 10th.

It was also noted that the current belief is that he was not infected during the January 4th Legends Night event. The WWE Champion was obviously in contact with a lot of people, some of them were older in age and more susceptible to the virus.

He had tested negative a few days earlier, after the previous week’s tapings, so the belief was he was not infected on Legends Night on 1/4 when he was in contact with a lot of people including Hulk Hogan and Jimmy Hart, and did a long match with Keith Lee.


We’re wishing Drew McIntyre the best. He accepted Goldberg’s challenge for a WWE Title match at the Royal Rumble on January 31st. There is obviously a lot of faith that The Scottish Warrior will be all cleared by then.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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