Donald Trump lost the 2020 Presidential Election. 62 lawsuits were filed by the Trump campaign, and 61 of those were found to have no merit. Val Venis is not happy about how things are playing out, and he took another shot at some of his pro wrestling peers who are supporting a peaceful transition of power.

Val Venis was recently faced with possible Twitter deletion when he violated their child sexual exploitation policy. That did not hinder him as he continued firing shots at the social media platform.

The Big Valbowski logged onto Twitter today to send a scathing message to The Rock, Dave Bautista, Mick Foley, and Sami Zayn. He called them “sympathizing slugs” and he asked them to comment on an unfounded QAnon conspiracy theory.

If any of you communist sympathizing slugs @TheRock @realmickfoley @samizayn or @davebautista want to explain your sympathy & support for an ideology that witnessed 260 MILLION INNOCENT HUMANS MURDERED by their OWN GOVERNMENTS in the 20th century alone, I’m all ears.


We will continue to monitor Val Venis’ Twitter timeline so you don’t have to. He isn’t having a very good time right now, and plenty of people are commenting on his controversial tweets. As of this writing, nobody he fired a shot at in this tweet has responded.

Tags: The Rock
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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