There is some drama going on within MLW right now. Salina de la Renta and Alicia Atout do not get along, and this heat spilled out onto social media in a big way.

Salina de la Renta posted a screenshot of a DM with Alicia Atout. In the DMs, Atout asked for a truce in a unique way as she said: “We don’t need to be friends, but at least respect each other? You wouldn’t be a complete psychotic bitch to me, and I won’t be a pain in your ass. Come on, let’s talk and it’ll make our working situation better for us both?”

While posting the screenshot of their DM conversation, Saline de la Renta also captioned the photo to give fans context:

“HAHA ! You call me a psychotic bitch and you think I’m gonna WORK WITH YOU ?! Well, I’m not one to let things slide … F*CK YOUR TRUCE.”


Alicia Atout, who touts herself as the “interview queen,” responded to de la Renta’s post. She said there is no need to be childish in this situation, and she requested to talk things out.

There’s no need to be childish. Don’t hate my comment because it’s true… this is ridiculous and stupidly dramatic.. like always. Let’s talk our sh*t out in-person and get on with our work, okay?

The 23-year-old MLW star responded to the 25-year-old interviewer. Salina de la Renta had a lot to say as she told Alicia Atout to “wake up.” Then she followed that up by saying that she is “sure” Alicia Atout is infected with COVID-19.

Do you live in f*cking fantasy land?! This is real life Alicia, wake up! We are not gonna talk in person, hug it out, become besties and braid each other’s hair.

PLUS THERES COVID ! & I’m sure you’re infected.

This seems like real heat between those two, but you also never know in pro wrestling. Salina de la Renta did say: “this is real life.” It seems that MLW might have to step in and settle things between these two if there really is this kind of tension backstage.

You can find their posts below. As of this writing, they have not seemed to squash things.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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