Rey Mysterio is the Greatest Mask of All Time, but he doesn’t cover his face every moment of the day. New Year’s Eve saw an unmasked Rey Mysterio having a great time, and his daughter Aalyah uploaded video footage to her Instagram account.

Aalyah Mysterio and Murphy’s romantic storyline vanished from WWE television. We will have to see if an eventual Seth Rollins return brings that back to light. The Mysterio family seemed to have a great time for New Year’s, but Murphy wasn’t around.

“Happy New Year,” Aalyah Mysterio captioned the video as her family danced away. Rey Mysterio can be clearly seen at the bottom of the frame. He has a hood up, but no mask on.

This isn’t the first time that fans have seen Rey Mysterio without his mask. His daughter’s Instagram feed is actually full of images of an unmasked Mysterio.


His face used to be something that Mysterio really wanted to keep out of the public, but that’s really hard to do in an age of social media. You can check out the video below.

Tags: Rey Mysterio
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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