Brodie Lee passed away, and the pro wrestling world is still in mourning. A wonderful man was taken far too soon. His wife Amanda and two children also lost a husband and father. The pro wrestling community is rallying around them in a big way.

CM Punk is donating 100% of the proceeds from his Pro Wrestling Tees store to Brodie Lee’s family. He is not alone. Mick Foley saw this gesture, and he thought it sounded like a wonderful idea.

This is a great idea by @CMPunk – a great way to show Jon Huber’s family we care. Please count me in for 100% of my January @PWTees proceeds.

Brodie Lee was hospitalized for two months prior to his passing. His lungs stopped working, and he passed away.


This tragedy can never be made right because Brodie Lee is gone. It is an amazing gesture that so many are reaching out to let his family know how much they care.

RIP Brodie Lee.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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