Divorce is a very common occurrence, especially in America where around 50% of marriages end that way. Darby Allin and Priscilla Kelly are separated and going through a divorce, but they’re not totally ending things.
While speaking to Vickie Guerrero’s Excuse Me podcast, Kelly explained why they got a divorce, and how it has helped their relationship. The two still hang out all the time, and apparently, they never fight now.
Priscilla Kelly and Darby Allin are using this time to split up as they figure out their careers and where they want to go in life. She said that people should “stop damning the word divorce,” because they are using it to see if they might like to eventually try marriage again someday.
“With us, we realize we got married really young and really fast. He proposed after dating me for four months. That works for some people but for us, we realized we were not mature enough to handle that label of marriage. Sometimes just the label of marriage can add so much pressure and stress to a relationship. It’s hard to get people who haven’t been married to understand that. Let’s remove this label and then let’s see how things go.”
“Since we removed that label of being married, we’ve been getting along great. We are best friends. We hang out all the time. We never have any conflict. We both still have little issues. We are both really young. We are still learning where we want to go with our careers and where we want our lives to go. It’s a lot all at once. I think people need to stop damning the word divorce because it sounds horrible, but sometimes you can get a divorce, spend a few years learning about yourselves and mature as a human being, and years later, try again and it probably would be a lot better.”
Some couples go through a bitter divorce that leaves them angry at each other for years. That is not the case for Darby Allin and Priscilla Kelly at all. It seems that they have figured out how to end things without really ending them. Let’s see if their two paths bring them back to that marriage label someday. Either way, they seem much happier with this situation.
Thanks to Wrestling News for the quote