WWE hired Edge and Daniel Bryan for creative roles in the company. Edge is on Raw and Bryan is on SmackDown. We previously reported that Daniel Bryan is receiving some glowing reviews. The same cannot be said about Edge.

Daniel Bryan is going above and beyond backstage to learn how WWE produces their television shows. He’s sitting on headsets with Vince McMahon and learning everything he can. He is also waiting in the Gorilla Position to speak with talent and give them advice.

Ringside News has learned that Edge is not putting forth the same effort as Daniel Bryan on the creative team. We were told that he hasn’t shown the dedication, nor has he really given much of an indication that he wants to learn behind the scenes.

A tenured member of the creative team has told us that “talent he’s spoke with doesn’t improve based on his advice.” It was also remarked that “Edge doesn’t want to do it.”


We were also told that Edge has expressed frustration about how late meetings start at times. He doesn’t like waiting for Vince McMahon, and that’s part of the job when you’re on the creative team. We were told a couple of months ago that he was complaining about the time it took to get meetings started, but we didn’t run that as a standalone story. This new information seems to coincide with the previous information we were given.

Edge was backstage at Survivor Series, but he wasn’t doing the same thing as Daniel Bryan, which was learning the backstage process during a major pay-per-view.

As of this writing, Edge is still out of action with a triceps injury, and there is no posted return date for him. Both Edge and Daniel Bryan attend creative meetings via webcam.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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