Deonna Purrazzo has a lot of fans who are really happy for her success, but she doesn’t appreciate how some of them go about reaching out to her.

Purrazzo recently posted a letter from a fan named Brad. This letter was addressed to her house. She posted Brad’s letter and said “don’t be like Brad.”

One fan fired off a tweet to the Virtuosa saying: “Get over yourself! Be flattered that someone respects you enough to take time to even want your autograph.. People 10 times as famous as you sign through the mail everyday!” Purrazzo promptly replied back with:

Being full of myself is not the issue. The issue is there are NUMEROUS PROPER channels to get an autograph. My HOME address is NOT one of them.


There are proper ways to get an autograph, but fan conventions aren’t really running like they used to during these crazy times. It seems like Brad didn’t mean any harm by sending this letter, but Deonna Purrazzo still didn’t appreciate receiving this fan mail at home.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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