WWE gave names to the three male members of their Retribution stable this week. Recent trademark filings seem to have given away plans for Mercedes Martinez and Mia Yim’s new names.

Twitter accounts were registered for Mace and Slapjack. Dominik Dijakovic turned his previous Twitter profile into the T-Bar account. Now Mia Yim seems to have registered an account for “Reckoning.”

A Twitter account for Reckoning is now active you can check out the screen shot below. The account is only following Retribution members and Malcolm Bivens.

Ringside News previously reported that Retribution is interested in bringing Bivens on possibly as a manager. Mace said they should collaborate. Bivens seemed scared about the entire idea.


By process of elimination this means that Mercedes Martinez’ name in Retribution is likely “Retaliation.” Stay tuned.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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