WWE has a certain way that they say things on television. This led to the idea that Vince McMahon has list of banned words that he never wants to hear on television. That list seems to be breaking apart in recent months.

Bayley is now referring to herself as “Bayley Dos Straps.” When she used the word “strap” on WWE television, some smarter fans perked up. She’s not supposed to say that word on WWE television, is she?

Ringside News has learned that the “Bayley Dos Straps” nickname is popular backstage. It was told to us that the name is an “inside joke on the banned word.”

Bayley’s new nickname was described to us by one source as “just everyone backstage chuckling because it’s not supposed to be said.” Additionally, it was revealed to us that Vince McMahon is “the person most in on the joke.”


WWE is a company that is self aware. The exact phrase given to us regarding the Bayley Dos Straps name was: “we can poke fun at ourselves even though we’re really the only ones who find it funny.”

Bayley Dos Straps will continue until she drops one of those titles. Only time will tell if it becomes as popular as the “Becky Two Belts” nickname. Ironically, that moniker for The Man also used a word for “title” that WWE previously frowned upon.

This new nickname from Bayley occurred as Edge and Randy Orton were preparing for the “Greatest Wrestling Match Ever.” Wrestling is another “banned word” despite the word being a part of the company’s name.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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