The coronavirus is tearing through the globe and Americans are doing what they can to protect against is. So far the pro wrestling world has been fortunate, but a COVID-19 case was bound to happen eventually.

Alex Salyers, a regular at Championship Wrestling From Arizona revealed that he’s not having a good time at all right now. He’s been to the ER before and now it looks like he could be in for another trip. They haven’t confirmed that it’s COVID-19, but the symptoms are there.

I have been asked, and yes.. I am on quarantine for 2 weeks. The doctors have not yet admitted me for the Coronavirus, however they suspect I have it. More updates to come once and if they test me and send it to the CDC. Im new to this so I’m still trying to understand it myself.

Quarantine update.. the nights are getting harder to sleep through. I have ruptured a blood vessel in my eye and it’s totally bloodshot from such violent coughing. My body feels completely shut down. I have fluid leaking from both eyes..there is a chance I may be back in the ER.


Salyers is 26 years old and having a very had time with this sickness. This should be a reminder that anything can happen and you always need to stay safe. Practice social distancing at all times and be kind to each other.

Ryan Satin then sent out the following alert:

To any performer who just worked for Just as a heads up to anyone who may have been there, one of the people who wrestled at this @PartyHardAZ crowdless show is now suspected of having coronavirus.

This is a tragic situation. Hopefully, Alex Salyers will be okay. It just shows that the coronavirus has very random criteria at times.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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