This is a very interesting time in human history. Never did we think here at Ringside News that so many articles about toilet paper would be written. We naturally expected a few, but they all seemed to come at once.

The COVID-19 situation has caused a surge in toilet paper hoarding for some reason. That makes it really hard to find a square to spare anywhere.

Paige recently unloaded on those people by calling the hoarders assholes. WWE referee Jessika Carr might agree with that statement, but she had a very lucky day at the store.

Carr was elated to tweet out a picture of her successfully purchased cart complete with a 24 pack of Angel Soft toilet tissue. To make it even better, these were mega rolls which is the equivalent of 96 rolls according to the packaging.


“Should I also play the lottery today?” Carr asked as she made her way out of Walmart with a successful payload.

2020 has been a good year so far for Jessika Carr. She got called up to the main roster and found toilet paper during a pandemic. She might need to play the lottery next.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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