Orange Cassidy has attracted a lot of attention to himself since AEW brought him to TNT. One outspoken fan has been Katie Nolan.

Cassidy recently replied to praise that Katie Nolan sent his way. This apparently resulted in a booking for Always Late on ESPN. Then Katie Nolan had to inform fans that Orange Cassidy was booked for the show this week, but that had to be nixed “for obvious reasons.”

We had him booked as a guest for always late this week but the show was cancelled for obvious reasons

The coronavirus pandemic isn’t going to last forever so there will be other opportunities for Freshly Squeezed to make it on Always Late. This is yet another cool thing that the coronavirus has already ruined.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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