The coronavirus is causing a lot of panic in the world. Plans are being formulated that people never thought they’d have to do. There is a global pandemic, but Vanessa Hudgens doesn’t seem too worried.

The High School Musical star stated that “it’s a bunch of bullsh*t” to worry about this until July. She followed that up by saying: “People do die, but wouldn’t you rather do your part than to risk being a factor in another’s misfortune?”

Kayla Braxton saw these remarks and she was at a loss for words like so many others. “Yikes” is a good way to summarize how to take that remark.

Yikes Vanessa Hudgens. Just yikes.


The coronavirus is not going to get better unless people go through the proper precautions. Stay away from public places. Practice social distancing. Wash your hands and don’t touch your face. Also, don’t hoard hygiene products. That’s not a cool thing to do at all.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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