Chris Jericho loves to celebrate with a Little Bit Of The Bubbly. It appears that he got a very early start.

The former Le Champion of AEW recently uploaded a bit of a throwback photo. His father Ted Irvine had lil Y2J on his lap holding what appears to be a beer bottle to baby Jericho’s mouth.

70s Parenting…. #TedIrvine #ExplainsEverything

There is no label on the bottle to identify it as alcohol. We just can’t imagine what else might be in that bottle.


Maybe baby Chris Jericho was cutting his teeth and papa wanted to practice a little old-school gum numbing trick. Then again, Chris Jericho’s first word might have just been “bubbly” and it was too cute of a request to deny.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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