WWE Backstage suspended production due to the COVID-19 virus. This bummed CM Punk out because he was looking forward to being on next week’s show. He still hasn’t lost his humor through this situation.

Click here to read Renee Young’s reaction to WWE Backstage’s hiatus due to the coronavirus.

CM Punk sent out a message to fans letting them know that he’s “super bummed” about WWE Backstage’s production suspension. He’s still not speaking to Paige, but he will miss her dog. Punk also promised that they’ll be back at it soon.

Super bummed! I was supposed to see Lobster next week! Still not speaking to @RealPaigeWWE. We will all be back soon, stay safe everyone! @ReneeYoungWWE @BookerT5x


One fan asked CM Punk if he’ll be on SmackDown this week. Punk joked and replied: “Yeah! See you in Detroit!” Renee Young replied by calling CM Punk “such a troll.” The Second City Savior couldn’t deny it.

WWE had to pull their SmackDown show from Detroit this week. Instead, Friday Night SmackDown will air live from the WWE Performance Center. Odds are CM Punk won’t be there, but John Cena, Jeff Hardy and Paige will be.

Tags: CM Punk
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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