The WWE 24/7 Title seems to be in a bit of a transition now. Mojo Rawley is the new champion and he’s looking to refresh the title’s image. He has some help now.

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Mojo Rawley showed up on WWE Raw this week with Riddick Moss beside him as his “offensive lineman.” It was noted on commentary that Moss is an NXT Superstar. We’ll have to see if this will stand as main roster call-up.

Rawley defended the WWE 24/7 Title in a standard match. He said it’s no longer the “hide and go seek championship.” No Way Jose came out to challenge him and it did not end well.


Then R-Truth rushed the ring dressed as a member of No Way Jose’s conga line. He won the title only to have Moss stop him and then Mojo Rawley laid him out to re-claim the title.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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