These are live spoilers. Keep checking back throughout the night and they will be updated.

WWE is filming two episodes of Raw tonight in Des Moines, Iowa. The second episode which we will eb covering in this article will contain spoilers for next week’s Raw scheduled to air on December 23rd.

The results should start after WWE Raw is over.

Click here for our complete WWE Raw results from this week.

  • The stage was done-up for Christmas
  • Jimmy Fallon appeared on the big screen. This might be a part of the broadcast since it’s Christmas.
  • Kevin Owens defeated Mojo Rawley in a street fight.
  • Owens calls out Seth Rollins and then he murders a Christmas tree on the stage.
  • Bobby Lashley defeated Cedric Alexander
  • After the match, Lana cut a promo saying that they are getting married next week. So, that will take place on Monday, December 30th. The final Raw of the year.
  • Drew McIntyre defeated Zack Ryder
  • McIntyre destroyed Curt Hawkins after the match and then he cut a quick promo saying that 2020 will be his year.
  • Becky Lynch cut a promo on Asuka. She wants The Empress Of Tomorrow in a match. She challenges her any place at any time.
  • Aleister Black defeated an enhancement talent
  • Buddy Murphy showed up at ringside and they set up a match for the next week, December 30th.
  • Ricochet defeated Tony Nese
  • Charlotte Flair defeated Chelsea Green
  • The OC defeated The Viking Raiders & Randy Orton
  • Erick Rowan defeated another poor enhancement talent
  • Rusev defeated No Way Jose
  • Rusev got some time after the match to say that he’s not happy that Lana and Bobby Lashley are set to be married. Then he made a comment about marrying Lana being punishment for Lashley.
  • Rey Mysterio retained the United States Title in the main event of WWE Raw next week. This ended via DQ when the AOP interfered.
  • After the match was over, the AOP tried to put Rey Mysterio through the announce table, but Samoa Joe didn’t move. Then AOP attacked Samoa Joe before Rollins hit a Curb Stomp on Mysterio.
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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