Jim Cornette has a commentary position on NWA Powerrr, but his time might be limited at this point. He used a very racist phrase to put over Trevor Murdoch and now NWA has pulled the episode make edits.

During a match between Nick Aldis and Trevor Murdoch, Cornette said: “Trevor Murdoch is the only person he knows who can strap a bucket of fried chicken on his back and make it across Ethiopia.”

NWA has now officially issued an apology for this remark and they have also pulled that episode of NWA Powerrr to make corrections to the broadcast as Dave Lagana said:

On tonight’s episode of NWA Powerr airing on November 19th 2019, one of our talents made comments which some viewers found offensive. We deeply regret the error and apologize.


We have temporarily taken the program down while we correct this error.

This was a pretty big mistake to air on Powerrr. The IWC is now enraged at Jim Cornette once again over another controversy sparked by something he said or did. We also have to wonder how this made it to air in the first place.

Update: NWA has re-uploaded the episode of NWA Powerr with Cornette’s line muted out.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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