WWE held their Clash Of Champions event last Sunday which saw Sasha Banks defeat Becky Lynch via DQ, but she didn’t win the RAW Women’s Title. During that match, a fan appears to have tried to touch Banks in an inappropriate fashion and the footage has since gone viral.

Banks commented on the clip and said that she’s suing. We’re not quite sure if she was serious, but this kind of action from fans should never be encouraged in any way.

It appears that the company is getting involved and they are investigating the matter. Brad Shepard reports that WWE is also looking into lifetime bans.

According to a source in #WWE, the company is investigating the situation involving the fan and Sasha Banks, and will likely issue a lifetime ban to any fan involved.


Ringside News has reached out to WWE concerning this matter and they have yet to comment as of this writing. We will update our awesome readers accordingly if they issue a response.

That being said, you should never try to touch a Superstar (or anyone for that matter) when they don’t want to be touched. Keep your hands to yourself, people.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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