Batista seems to be very happy about the way his pro wrestling career was able to end. After all, his last match was what he wanted at WrestleMania against Triple H.

Following Killer Kross’ victory over Nick Gage at Bloodsport II, the Impact Wrestling star grabbed the microphone. Then he proceeded to cut a promo on Batista.

“I have a question and I’m asking it respectfully, respectfully. There’s a guy out there who says he retired. He says he’s retired, but being in this ring in front of everybody in this building I fucking love this business, I fucking love it and there’s no way he doesn’t love it anymore either so I don’t believe he’s retired, so I’m asking respectfully. Dave Bautista I don’t know you from a hole in the wall. I’m not one of these assholes who comes out here to benefit out of anyone’s celebrity, but you just heard that! You guys want Batista at Bloodsport, give us what we want”

It’s really not likely that Batista will accept this challenge from Killer Kross. He is very busy with his film career and has publicly stated that his in-ring career is over.


Still, it’s good to know that The Animal has options if he does want to make a return to the ring.

Thanks to for the quote

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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