WWE has a big deal going on with Fox and that will mean a studio show is coming to FS1.

Wrestle Votes reports that Booker T and Renee Young are set to be the hosts of this new show. It will be interesting to see how in-depth of a news show WWE will provide on FS1, but they definitely picked two hosts that know each other.

Source confirms a new, weekly studio show will begin in October on FS1. It will be live from Los Angeles, every Tuesday night hosted by Renee Young & Booker T.

As we previously reported, Renee Young is expected to leave Raw and become exclusive to the new FS1 show.


It will be interesting to see how a live Tuesday night show from Los Angeles will factor into WWE’s plans to keep stories going throughout the week.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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