Randy Orton had a pretty memorable time at Madison Square Garden last night, but he also had a big surprise waiting for him backstage.

RKO got to drop the S-Bomb on live television (click here for that uncensored footage). Then Kofi Kingston put him through a table to reenact their classic MSG spot from nearly 10 years ago.

When Randy Orton got backstage his wife was there and he didn’t expect it at all. “How the f*ck did you? What? Oh sh*t!! Orton exclaimed as he hugged his wife.

Orton’s wife Kim posted the entire video on Instagram along with the following caption:


I’ll do anything to put a smile on your face @randyorton

This was a pretty great moment and it gives us a look at Randy Orton that we seldom get to see.

We’ve seen his wife hit him with an RKO outta nowhere in the past, but surprising him at Madison Square Garden was another thing he definitely didn’t see coming.

Tags: Randy Orton
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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