WWE has multiple brands working at the same time and now one man who had a top role on SmackDown Live is out.

F4WOnline reports that Ryan Ward is now out of his previous role in the company. Ward had previously held a position as lead writer for SmackDown Live.

It is reported that there are some signs of trouble between Ward and Vince McMahon. This could be due to all of the script ripping and changing that Vince makes pretty much every week.

At this time, Ryan Ward is being listed as out on “personal leave.” Now Ed Kosky will be moving over from Raw to work with Eric Bischoff on the blue team. Jonathan Baeckstrom will now be the lead writer on Raw and will work with Paul Heyman.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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