WWE has a few titles floating around and one change took place on the road to Clash Of Champions.

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Elias came out to cut a promo on the King Of The Ring throne while wearing his WWE 24/7 Championship. He kept going and Kevin Owens eventually jumped him and he chased Elias to the ring.

Owens nailed a KO Stunner and left Elias on the mat. Owens didn’t think about pinning the WWE 24/7 Champion, so he just left.


R-Truth nearly jumped in the ring, but then Drake Maverick came out of nowhere and grabbed his leg. Maverick dragged R-Truth out of the ring and jumped in to pin Elias.

Suddenly, Drake Maverick was WWE 24/7 Champion once again. This is a big deal because now it means he will finally get to consummate his marriage with Renee Maverick.

Only time will tell when WWE will change the 24/7 Title again, after all, a Fox commentator briefly became WWE 24/7 Champion over the weekend.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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