WWE is going through a very interesting point in the company’s history right now and it looks like the Co-President of the company isn’t really up for owning that much stock right now.
Michelle Wilson sold 158,134 shares of WWE stock on August 8th. for $10,958,686. This was about 80% of her stock.
While others such as Kevin Dunn, George Barrios, Stephanie McMahon, and Triple H also sold stock recently, none unloaded the same amount as Michelle Wilson. This is very interesting especially if the price of stock is suspected to rebound.
We previously noted that a ton of top WWE executives got rid of a lot of stock before the price fell dramatically last year. They also unloaded a lot of stock before the last financial call.
We’ll just have to see whether the price goes back up or whether Michelle Wilson was able to sell her stock at the right time and save herself from losing even more money.