Ryback doesn’t hate WWE, but he obviously has a few sore spots left from his time in the company. He still has some very good friends who work for WWE, but he’s not a fan of one particular person that the company recently brought on board.

WWE hired Pat Buck as producer backstage. While we’re not 100% clear why Ryback would want to “beat the sh*t” out of him, he sent out a warning to Vince McMahon and Triple To watch their wallets around Pat Buck.

You have a good wrestling mind and will fit in nicely short term there. I’m still going to beat the shit out of you when I see you in person and it will 100% happen. @VinceMcMahon @TripleH Everyone watch your wallets with this one

Ryback obviously has an idea about the current climate in WWE as he said that Pat Buck will be “short term” with the company. They do have tendency of letting writers and producers go with very few of them sticking around for long.


It is very interesting that Ryback would send out this particular warning about WWE’s new producer, but we’re sure that he has his reasons.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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