WWE is seemingly countering AEW’s big TNT announcement with one of their own. Now things are about to change in a big way with the WWE Network.

We previously reported that WWE was going to make a change to the WWE Network very soon. It happened today of all days with a big announcement.

WWE has confirmed that the WWE Network will have a sleeker design, simpler navigation, smarter search tools. Superstar pages will also be a part of this upgrade so fans can navigate by Superstar. They are also saying that now fans are in control of every moment, whatever that might mean.

In an official release sent out by WWE Network, it was said:


We are pleased to inform you that WWE Network is being updated this week with a new design, a simpler navigation and smarter search tools. In addition, please be aware of the following:

1) You will need to log in with your email address and password the first time you use the updated WWE Network on each streaming device.
2) You will NOT need to set up a new account. You should use your existing WWE Network email address and password.
3) The update will occur on different devices at different times during the week.

They didn’t discuss the rumored tiered system that fans have been wondering about. At least there will be an easier way to find things they want to see.

So maybe this might encourage some fans to jump on the WWE Network this week and search some old Cody Rhodes, Chris Jericho, or Goldust matches to get them excited about AEW.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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