Sting’s famous Crow character fascinated the pro wrestling world as he descended from the rafters each week, but this was a process to accomplish.

Eric Bischoff spoke about this character transformation for Sting and how they were able to pull off Sting coming down from the ceiling during 83 Weeks. Although pro wrestling companies had used zip-lines before to pull off a special entrance, dropping someone down from the ceiling to the center of the ring had never been done before.

“That was an idea, I would probably say Ellis Edwards, that’s a name people don’t talk about before in fact, Ellis didn’t ever get much publicity, but Ellis Edwards was WCW’s kinda backstage stuntman if you will. That was his idea.”

Bischoff said that the idea of dropping Sting down from the rafters came up during a backstage meeting and Ellis Edwards knew what he was talking about. They wanted to make something unique and spectacular for Sting’s entrance. This is when Ellis Edwards came up with the idea, but they wanted to make it as safe as possible.


They got to work on rigging things up and testing the stunt which took about two months of testing with a dummy before they got “close to being comfortable hooking Sting up.” Eric Bischoff also noted that Edwards is still “the man today” in WWE when it comes to backstage stunts.

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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