WWE’s Hall Of Fame ceremony will be a big one this year because D-Generation X is set to headline the event. However, they could also be planning to change things up in a big way as well.

We previously reported that WWE was planning on nixing the idea of having people induct the new class of the WWE Hall Of Fame this year. This could certainly shorten the event that has a history of going very long.

Dana Warrior was announced as inducting the 2019 Warrior Award recipient which means that WWE obviously plans on having some sort of speech for at least one inductee. F4WOnline received a statement from WWE that confirms there will be people inducting the new class into the Hall Of Fame, but they also plan to mix it up a bit.

“While we are looking at format options, the plan is to have inductors, but there could be a mix of ways to introduce inductees. We are also looking at flow, but I don’t know where the 15 minute time limit info is coming from.”


It is very interesting that WWE is making this decision. Perhaps they have a greater plan for this year’s ceremony. There are rumored to be new hosts as well with Jerry Lawler out of a job this year. So they might be giving each inductee their own special treatment this time around.

Harry Kettle

Sports writer covering pro wrestling, MMA & football. Forever dreaming of a world where Jeff Hardy wins the strap one more time.

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