WWE Network has featured plenty of shows that aren’t around anymore and Swerved is one of them. There could be a very good reason why this show isn’t running anymore because one prank on the Jackass-inspired show landed Titus O’Neil with a lawsuit against him and the WWE.

Paige was going around with a cattle prod and shocking people. It was all fun and games until Titus O’Neil was her target. This is when O’Neil kicked the cameraman.

Since then Donald Anderson filed a lawsuit for a laundry list of claims saying that “he was injured by Bullard [Titus O’Neil] after the WWE star became upset while being filmed for a segment on WWE Network prank series Swerved.” These claims include Battery, Assault, Willful Misconduct, Negligence, Gross Negligence, Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress and Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress.

PW Insider reports that mediation for this case is scheduled for March 13th in Tampa. This matter was supposed to have its mediation in January already, but it was rescheduled because of a conflict with the assigned mediator.


Titus also filed a counter-lawsuit in June 2018 for $15,000 which is the same amount that Titus is being individually sued for by Anderson in this case. Titus claims that Anderson was being reckless in his claims against him.

Harry Kettle

Sports writer covering pro wrestling, MMA & football. Forever dreaming of a world where Jeff Hardy wins the strap one more time.

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