Impact Wrestling heads to the Melrose Ballroom in Long Island City, Queens for tonight’s Bound for Glory event.

A video package opened the show… Josh Mathews and Don Callis were on commentary…

Rich Swann and Willie Mack vs. Matt Sydal and Ethan Page
Mathews noted that members of the New York Giants were in attendance. Sydal avoided Mack in the corner. Mack did a handstand on the ropes and split his legs apart a couple times for a pop. The heel duo isolated Swann, who ended up at ringside. Sydal went under the ring and hit him with something. Mathews said it sounded like a chair.
Mack eventually took a hot tag and worked over both heels. Mack performed a standing moonsault on Page for a two count. Swann checked back in and ended up being bodyslammed off the top rope and covered for two. A “this is Impact” chant broke out. Callis spoke about the new signings and praised Impact management (which he is part of) by saying they are doing a hell of a job. Later, Swann performed a Lethal Injection on Sydal and followed up with a 450 splash for the win.
Winners: Rich Swann & Willie Mack

After the match, Mack took the mic and struggled to get it to work. Eventually, they got it to work. Mack fired up the crowd and said he noticed two empty seats in the front row. He said whoever made the most noise could have them. Mathews said the seats were courtesy of their sponsor Comda. Mack pointed to some fans who apparently got the seats.


Mathews and Callis set up footage of Johnny Impact and Taya Valkyrie on TMZ discussing their online beef with Austin Aries. They included a clip of one of the hosts questioning whether this is not part of the script. Footage also aired of an angle between Aries and Impact that occurred at the Impact Wrestling Hall of Fame ceremony on Saturday.

Backstage: Konnan was on the ground laid out when Santana and Ortiz found him. He blamed King and told them to take care business.

Eli Drake has an open challenge.

Drake took the mic and said he wanted to talk to NYC. He said the gravy train has rolled in and you can feel it. He said you can feel the tingling in your loins. Well, OK. He said that he rolls in and asked that the best NYC can give him in this open challenge. He looks for faces he hasn’t seen before and didn’t see anyone. He said he’s in a town who’s claim to fame is pizza. Fans chanted for “pizza.” He said since he didn’t see any new faces in the back, he looks in the crowd and sees some players for the New York Giants. He said he knows it couldn’t be them with their 1-5 record. So, he wonders who can it be to challenge Eli Drake. He said it doesn’t make a difference.
Out came James Ellsworth. The crowd groaned. He took the mic. The crowd chanted, “Delete!” Drake told them that was the wrong guy. Ellsworth said that he’s badmouthing New York but if you bad-mouth a New Yorker, they fight. Drake asked him if he was a New Yorker. The crowd chanted, “No!” Ellsworth said he not really, but he was dating a girl from Staten Island for awhile. OK, that was a great line. He said he doesn’t like when people knock NYC. The crowd reacted to him taking up for them by chanting, “F*** you Ellsworth.”

Drake said that it looks like someone knocked his chin off already. Ellsworth said he doesn’t have a chin, but it looks like he doesn’t have any b****s. He began doing his line about any man with two hands but drilled Drake with the mic. He worked over Drake, who nailed him with a flapjack and worked him over in the corner. The crowd chanted for Drake. Ellsworth came off the ropes and nailed a tornado DDT. He set up for Sweet Chin Music but was caught and chokeslammed. The crowd chanted “Gravy Train.” Drake pulled him up but was caught with a surprise super kick. Drake came back to hit the Kryptonite Krunch, then another and scored the pin.
Winner: Eli Drake

Drake said he didn’t come for garbage. He wants top guys. He wants former Champions. He wants Hall of Fame material. Abyss’ music hit and he came to the ring. Drake attacked him as he entered but Abyss nailed a series of clotheslines and a running Avalanche in the corner. He nailed the Black Hole Slam, then left the ring. He pulled a table into the ring. He grabbed Drake for a chokeslam but Drake nailed him and drove him into the corner. He set up Abyss sitting on the table and came off the ropes but was caught and chokeslammed through the table. The crowd liked this, but not as much as they liked Eli Drake beating up Ellsworth. Earlier today, Tessa Blanchard was caught by McKenszie Mitchell coming into the building. Blanchard said tonight is her night and she is true wrestling royalty. She said is the greatest and the title proves it. She said diamonds are forever and so is Tessa holding the Knockouts Championship.

Impact Wrestling Knockouts Championship
Tessa Blanchard vs. Taya Valkyrie

They locked up and Tessa began working over her arm. Taya nailed a head scissior takedown and drilled Tessa with a kick in the gut. They fired back and forth with big shots in the corners. Tessa rebounded off the ropes but was speared by Taya and rolled to the outside. Taya went to the top for a moonsault to the floor but Tessa nailed her and hit a neckbreaker off the ropes to the floor. Tessa brought her back into the ring but was immediately kicked off during a charge. Tessa nailed her and knocked her off the ropes for a two count Tessa began working over the challenger, choking her against the ropes. She nailed a nice leaping kick to the back.

They grappled back and forth until Taya nailed a back suplex. Taya nailed a hip attack in the corner. Taya nailed a double knee strike. Taya is yelling a lot in Spanish and that’s getting very over with the crowd live. They battled on the top. Taya nailed a big superplex and turned her over into a guillotine choke. Blanchard fought to her feet and charged Taya into the corner, then nailed a Northern Lights suplex. Hiroshi Hase would be proud.
They battled back and forth with hard uppercuts and forearms. Taya nailed a TKO variation for a two count. They continued battling until Tessa nailed a cutter. Tessa came off the ropes but was caught and hit a chokeslam, which looked painful. Taya scored with a moonsault off the ropes but the Champion kicked out at two. Taya cinched in an armbar submission. She turned Blanchard into a bow and arrow and drilled her down with a curb stomp. She tied up Tessa in another submission as her arms flailed for the ropes, finally making it and forcing the break. Taya nailed her with the Implant Buster but Tessa got up at the last second. The timing was wonky with the count and the crowd knew it.
Taya sent her into the buckles but the Champ sidestepped her and sent her into the ringpost shoulder-first. Tessa caught her staggering out of the corner with a DDT but Taya kicked up at the last second, which shocked the crowd.They battled back into the corner. Taya went for a powerbomb but Blanchard hit a rana, sending her into the buckles. Tessa flew off the top and came down with an inverted Codebreaker and scored the pin.

Winner: Tessa Blanchard

McKenszie Mitchell interviewed Moose, who was dressed like Prince Nana.

Eddie Edwards vs. Moose
Moose was accompanied to the ring by three women. Two of the women held the ropes open for him and they all kissed him on the cheek. Moose’s ladies left. Edwards came out with a kendo stick. Killer Kross grabbed Edwards from the crowd. In the ring, Kross held Edwards for a weak kick from Moose. Tommy Dreamer came out and cleared the heels from the ring with a kendo stick. Dreamer cut a promo playing to the NYC crowd and apparently making it a tag team match.
Winner: Eddie Edwards by apparent DQ.

Tommy Dreamer and Eddie Edwards vs. Moose and Killer Kross

Dreamer and Edwards went to the outside and began brawling with Kross and Moose. Dreamer spit water into Edwards’ mouth, and he spit it at Moose. On the outside, Jylan Ware of the New York Giants shoved Moose. Back in the ring, Edwards hit Kross with a top-rope hurricanrana. Moose and Edwards traded chops in the ring. Edwards hit a Blue Thunder Bomb on Moose and the crowd applauded at the end of a fast-paced chain of wrestling. Dreamer kicked Kross with a low blow. Kross hit Dreamer with a Doomsday. Edwards was the victim of a pop-up powerbomb from Moose that sounded like it was going to break the ring. Edwards pinned Moose with a schoolboy.
Winner: Eddie Edwards & Tommy Dreamer via pinfall

After the match, Kross snatched Edwards and held him, for Moose to hit a huge spear. Moose and Kross dragged Edwards to the outside and power bombed Edwards onto the ring apron.

OVE cut a promo backstage.
A video package aired on OVE vs. Brian Cage, Fenix and Pentagon Jr.

oVe vs. Impact X Division Champion Brian Cage, Fenix and Pentagon Jr.
All sorts of chaotic action from the bell. Cage was tossing Jake Crist all over the place with suplexes. He caught him trying to come off the ropes and went for a move but was shoved into the ringpost. Fenix hit a springboard headbutt off the ropes that was just awesome. He whipped out some really awesome dives. Callihan caught him rebounding off the ropes and nailed a big head and arms Tazplex. Sami hit a nice rebound clothesline off the ropes. They are just all killing each other. Fenix hit a great tope con hilo to the outside on everyone. Pentagon celebrated but was superkicked off the ropes by Sami.

Cage grabbed Callihan and nailed a Fall Away Slam over the top to the floor onto everyone. Cage pulled Crist back into the ring with a superplex, He went for another superplex but Calliphan slipped underneath and nailed a powerbomb. Fenix and Pentagon hit stereo superkicks on Sami. Fenix whipped his own brother into Callihan in the corner, monkey flip style. enta nailed a double stomp off the top on Sami but was caught with a DDT by Jake Crist.

Cage powerbombed Crist. Sami tossed Cage. Fenix hit a running dive over the ropes into the ring with a cutter on Sami for a two count. They went ballistic with back and forth big moves. Cage powerbombed Sami in the corner. Penta hit a package piledriver on him as Fenix hit a doublestomp onto him. Somehow, that was a two count. They did a big power spot where Cage hit a Fall Away Slam on both Crists. He played to the crowd on the ropes, allowing Callihan to superkick him in the back of the legs, one of which was taped up. He held him for the Crists to drill in the head but the Lucha Brothers made the save.

Pentagon and Fenix worked over Crist. They went to do a double decker move but Fenix jumped up and went for a cutter but they crashed down in frightening fashion. Sami hit a piledriver on Fenix on the apron. They were whipping out all sorts of nuttiness. Cage returned and cleaned house. He ate a series of kicks from Crist. They did a double decker stunner on Cage but he kicked up at one to get him over as a monster. They all kept kicking the crap out of him, leading to a triple boot to the face. Callihan nailed a big piledriver for the pin.

Winners: OVE & Sami Callihan

McKenzie interviewed Austin Aries. He was asked what fans can expedct from the match tonight. He said he came back in the start of 2018 and this place was on life support. He won the title and since then, he had busted his ass to make the title and the company worth something again. He said he thinks he’s done a really good job. He said his challenger shows up when his schedule permits and claims its the most important thing in the world. He called him Johnny Come Lately. He’s been off filming reality series, getting married and nursing injuries. Now that the show is airing, now he wants to re-assert himself and say this means something to him – the title. He doesn’t think it means anything to him. He said that Impact told him the other night that it wasn’t always about him. He said that’s funny coming from the guy who changes his last name into the company he works for. He said after last night he doesn’t trust Impact or management. He was going to come out alone, but now he’s bringing his men with him and he told Impact to bring his wife and make it real up close and personal. He said it’s not a reality show or a crappy B movie. it’s his life and they are going to find out.
King cut a promo and said this was for Konnan. He said the young boys are going to learn what it was like to really be from the streets. They are going to give out lessons in pain and suffering tonight.

Concrete Jungle Death Match
King, Homicide, and Hernandez vs. Santana and Ortiz

All the mats have been removed, exposing the plywood underneath. No turnbuckles. Lots of weapons and tables all over.

LAX had a big entrance with a huge crew. Hernandez got busted open right away with a stiff trash can lid shot. He’s going to need some stitches. The boards were all moving around under the guys, making it look pretty damn dangerous It was all brawling. The OGz had a long period where they worked over LAX and trashed him. King went for a dive to the floor but his feet got caught in the ropes and he went down right into the rail and the concrete. Hernandez did the Border Toss on Homicide over the top onto LAX, sacrificing his own partner to get them.

Ortiz nailed an overhead suplex onto the boards on Homicide. Hernandez hit the pounce on him, sending him through a table in the corner. Santana hit the ring and went for a sunset flip but Hernandez powered out. Santana hit a stiff kick to the legs. He hit a nice tope con hilo to the floor on Hernandez. Kingston returned to the ring, where Santana kicked him stiff in the face. Kingston dared him to keep going and kikced him back. He kicked Santana into the corner and charged but was caught and suplexed into the empty corner.

LAX began double-teaming Hernandez. They posted Homicide’s shoulder. Hernandez pulled himself to the top and fought off LAX but was eventually overpowered and hit with a double superplex into the bare ring. The place went nuts and chanted “Holy sh**” and man, they are right. Konnan came out to his music and made the save, running Homicide through a table. LAX hit a sit down powerbomb off the top on King, scoring the pin.
Winners: LAX & Konnan

Mathews set up Allie entering the undead realm…

Allie was shown entering a coffin with a hatchet in hand. She ended up in a hazy area where Father Jim Mitchell welcomed her. Mitchell reminded her that her soul remains in the undead realm and then let out his sinister laugh. Allie walked into a less hazy area and up a flight of stairs where Su Yung attacked her. Allie hit her with the hatchet. Allie hit her again and blood went flying. They cut to the next scene where she did the same thing to Yung. Only this time, Allie saw her own face like she’s Luke Skywalker or something.

Allie found Kiera Hogan in a casket. Young showed up with an axe or something. She ended up hitting Allie with a baseball bat. She wanted to use the hatchet as a weapon. Allie blocked it, so Yung gave her a mandible claw. Yung wound up to stab Allie with a knife, but Allie drove a weapon into her neck. Allie woke up Hogan and got her out of the casket. They tried to leave through the first casket. Mitchell showed up and revealed it was a word game in that he said she could find her friend, but she never said they could leave. Young’s undead bridesmaids showed up. Rosemary appeared and fought off the bridesmaids. Allie and Hogan ended up in the casket. Yung and Rosemary have special effect hand powers. Yung’s are stronger and Rosemary was overpowered. Allie and Hogan returned to the regular world. Allie’s voice turned demonic as she told Hogan it’s not okay.

McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Johnny Impact, who said Impact management would not have called him and his wife if Aries had not made things personal. He added that Aries claiming he carries the company is an insult to everyone else in the company… A video package set up the main event.

Impact World Championship
Austin Aries (w/Moose, Killer Kross) vs. Johnny Impact (w/Taya Valkyrie)

They went at each other in a real physical, aggressive way to get over the idea that they have a real personal issue beyond the title. It looked really good in that it wasn’t an overly choreographed looking sequence. They faced off and the crowd chanted back and forth. Aries drilled Impact in the leg. They continued to go back and forth in a rough manner. Fans were chanting “205” at Aries and a front row fan had a “ROSITA DISAPPROVES” sign.

Impact caught Aries in the corner and nailed a series of kicks. Aries was sent to the floor, where Impact hit a pescado to the floor. He sent Aries into the barricade. Impact bridged himself between the ring and the barricade and hit a flip onto Aries. Aries sent him into the barricade and then came off the top with a axehandle. He drilled Impact with a chop and sent him back into the ring, where he drilled him with several knees and strikes. He peppered Aries with punches and really worked him over. Impact made a comeback and was going for a springboard leg lariat when Aries drilled him and sent him to the floor. Aries went for the heat seeking missile dive but Impact drilled him as he hit the ropes.
Impact hit a twisting springboard bodypress for a two count. Aries came back and worked him over with knee strikes, trying to set up for the Last Chancery. Impact fought back and nailed a springboard knee strike off the ropes for a two count. They battled to the ropes, where Aries regained control. Aries rolled out of the way of a split-legged moonsault off the ropes but Impact landed on his feet. Impact worked him over on the ropes. Impact nailed a Spanish Fly off the top for a two count.

Aries avoided a flipping move off the top and went back to floor. Impact set him up for a suplex into the ring but Aries blocked it and pulled him out to the apron. They battled back and forth with forearms. Aries went for a death valley driver but it looked like Impact was dropped on top of his head from my vantage point. Aries nailed a 450 splash off the top for a two count. Aries went for a dropkick in the corner but Impact caught him and drilled Aries with a series of kicks. He hit Moonlight Drive off the top but Aries grabbed the ropes right before the three count. Impact went for a suplex but Aries escaped, nailed him, caught him with a vicious dropkick in the corner, then nailed a brainbuster for a two count. Impact got his foot across the rope at the last second.

Aries went into a series of knee strikes and cinched in the Last Chancery. Taya yelled at Aries and he got in her face. That fired up Impact as they beat each other back and forth with stiff shots. Aries ducked a clotheline and dove out of the ring, wiping out Taya. Impact kicked him hard off the apron into the barricade. Moose’s celebration whjen Taya got nailed was hilarious. They battled back into the ring, where Impact nailed a brainbuster and Moonlight Drive and scored the pin.

Winner and new Impact Champion: Johnny Impact

Aries got right up, yelled at the announcers and walked out, not even selling. He even spit up towards Ed Nordholm. He left Moose and Kross behind.

Impact went to the floor and helped Taya up, then celebrated with her in the ring for a long time. There was a big “Johnny” chant.

Steve Carrier

Steve is the Founder of RingsideNews. He has been writing about professional wrestling since 1996. He first got into website development at the time and has been focusing on bringing his readers the best professional wrestling news at it's highest quality.

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