While speaking to Newsweek, Roman Reigns shot down the idea of wanting to work with Paul Heyman because he likes talking for himself.
“Nah I like talking for myself. That’s one thing I want too, just a little longer promos you know what I mean? Just me and the mic that would be nice. Do a lot of interactive promos in the ring and stuff like that. That’s how you grow and it’ll be cool to get those long, solo promos. Working with Paul, there’s nothing wrong with just sitting there like a boss and let your attorney do the talking. Let him talk the logistics,and I’m sure Paul won’t have a problem reading off my resume, it’ll take awhile but he’s pretty good with stuff like that. But I would still want to talk for myself, 100 percent.”
Are you a fan of Roman’s mic work or would he benefit more with a mouthpiece like Heyman? Sound off in the comment section below…