Hulk Hogan might be cool with some members of the WWE locker room but he isn’t going to be okay with JTG at all for a while. Afterall, Hulk did admit to being racist to a point.

JTG recently appeared on How It Ended to discuss his WWE career, but things got very interesting when he addressed the recent situation between Hogan and WWE. JTG isn’t the dude to forgive someone for admitting they’re racist at all. Even if it’s just “to a point.”

“I can forgive him for using the N-word for making a mistake or whatever. But I can’t forgive you for admitting that you’re a racist. I’m not that dude. I’m not that forgiving. A lot of talent, African American talent share my same thoughts.”

“In that meeting, they should have never brought up, ‘be careful what you say, you never know when you’re being recorded.’ It’s like, ‘what?!’ That should be the last thing you bring up. We all know that we’re in the limelight you know you know to watch what you say. But when you’re saying an apology, you don’t bring up ‘watch what you say when you’re being recorded.'”

“You talk about using the N-Word saying he admitted to being a racist — I don’t even think he brought that up that he admitted to being a racist. Like that was kinda just swept under the rug like we were just supposed to forget.”

This might have been different if Hogan would have addressed talking about really saying he was a racist, but that point was apparently glossed over. Only time will tell if WWE will bring Hogan back to the company in a big way because the tester of a backstage speech didn’t seem to go over too well.

Thanks to Wrestling Inc for the transcription



Tags: Hulk Hogan
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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