WWE’s evolution event is going to be a loaded show if WWE’s reputation is any sign of things. They will do anything they can to make a splash. Barnburner Radio said the MMA Horsewoman and WWE Horsewomen will meet at Evolution. This idea is very plausible seeing how all 4 of MMA’s Horsewomen are now employed under WWE.

Bryan Alvarez opened up about this on Wrestling Observer Live. He said that he didn’t know if WWE was planning a big 8-woman tag as the main event of Evolution, but the timing is very interesting.

“I don’t know if the main event of WWE Evolution is going to be the MMA 4 Horsewomen vs WWE 4 Horsewomen. All I know is the MMA Horsewomen are wrestling and Bayley and Sasha are back together as buddies again which could mean you could do the WWE 4 Horsewomen. Will that be the match? I don’t know.”

It looks like there could be some fire the smoke about the idea of Evolution coinciding with Shafir and Duke’s NXT in-ring debut.

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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