Brock Lesnar is apparently on his way out of WWE and on his way back to UFC. Or at least that’s the idea we’re getting on television. He could really do whatever he wants at this point except for drugs because he’s in the USADA testing pool again.

Dave Meltzer discussed an idea during Wrestling Observer Radio where  WWE had to start getting Lesnar heat while he was still reigning Universal Champion working live events. Apparently, those quick matches weren’t supposed to impress but more upset.

“Brock’s house show matches would usually be 3-5 minutes where he would just destroy everybody. But then they got it down to like 30-40 seconds with the idea that it will come out that Brock’s only working 30-40 seconds and instead of making him more of a monster the idea is that he refuses to do anything so you know we have to do these quick matches because that’s all he’ll do, it’s like that’s the mentality behind it to get him hated even more so that Roman Reigns will get cheered.”

Lesnar would show up, hit a couple German suplexes and an F5 and usually call it a day. At the time fans loved seeing his instant destruction but it turns out the WWE office wanted you to start getting upset about it.

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Tags: Brock Lesnar
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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