Roman Reigns is still really wanting a piece of Brock Lesnar and the Universal Title but it doesn’t look like he’s going to be getting his wish anytime soon. Although he keeps losing time and time again, Reigns is still presumably the #1 contender even though he needs to be crowned still.

But the issue remains that Brock Lesnar won’t show up to work. Of course, Lesnar would show up whenever he’s needed the only issue is Vince McMahon told him to stay at home. Bryan Alvarez broke down the current situation of Brock Lesnar’s SummerSlam status on Wrestling Observer Live.

“Here’s what I know. Dave and I have been talking about this for a couple weeks now. Here’s the Brock Lesnar situation to the best of my knowledge. Brock has one match left on his current deal. The original idea was SummerSlam. In fact, I talked about that on the day after WrestleMania that the feeling was he was going to stick around until SummerSlam.”

“Now right now I should say as of 2 days ago Brock Lesnar is not booked for SummerSlam. We’re like a month and a half away from SummerSlam so a lot can happen in that time. For example 2 weeks ago they were booking a multi-person match for Extreme Rules and they were going to put a bunch of people together and the winner of the match was going to get a shot at Lesnar. But then sometime over the course of that week Vince changed his mind and scrapped that match. Now we’re just doing a Roman Reigns/ Bobby Lashley match at Extreme Rules which may or may not be for a shot at Brock Lesnar.”

“So the situation is this. Vince — this is the last that I heard things can change like they changed with the multi-person match. Vince wants Roman Reigns to get cheered. It’s not happening. They tried the deal at WrestleMania where they did the storyline where Brock is never there and Roman Reigns is very very upset about it and he’s always there and Brock is never there. As I said at the time what this is going to do is get Brock Lesnar booed, it doesn’t mean Roman Reigns will get cheered. They turned on the match, I was in the building. They were throwing beach balls they were chanting ‘Nicholas’ they’re chanting for CM Punk and everyone under the sun and they’re not paying attention.”

“Now they’ve got SummerSlam in Brooklyn. I’m saying there’s no chance. I’m not even saying there’s a 1% chance. There is 0% chance Roman Reigns is going to get cheered there. So it is possible that Vince McMahon decided there’s no chance Roman Reigns will get cheered here so let’s not do Lesnar at SummerSlam.”

It was noted that WWE could work the angle in order to get heat on Lesnar and have Roman Reigns get cheered if they do a storyline where Lesnar refuses to defend the title at SummerSlam. If they moved the match to a different market then a title win for Reigns might get a different reaction.

As of right now, Brock Lesnar isn’t booked for SummerSlam and the idea is for fans to get really upset about it so Roman Reigns will be able to save the day and the title from a part-timer who never shows up to work.


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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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