Ronda Rousey is facing Nia Jax at Money In The Bank and there are some very interesting situations which could arise out of that match.

Dave Meltzer noted in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter that WWE switched up the way they were booking Nia Jax on the way to Money In The Bank. After all, Nia Jax was seen as a dreaded heel before and now it appears they’ve softened their stance on that.

Brad Shepard expanded on this idea during Backstage In WWE as he explained WWE’s possible strategy in this situation as they shoot for Money In The Bank.

“That just tells me they’ve decided to change the story. The story is you know seemed like it was going to be Ronda getting the armbar win and now that she’s got the armbar win there’s no telling what could happen at Money In The Bank. I mean don’t rule out Stephanie McMahon interfering even.”

You never know what could happen in WWE and especially when they’re booking such a high-profile name like Ronda Rousey.


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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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