Jeff Hardy pled guilty to DUI yesterday and except for paying a fine and having to take some classes, it looks like his job with WWE is still secure.

Dave Meltzer discussed WWE’s possible options during Wrestling Observer Live while comparing it to the time RVD and Sabu were busted with marijuana and Van Dam ended up losing the ECW and WWE Championships because of it.

“If they’re going to suspend them for that and take the title off of them for that, you know Jeff’s got this and again they haven’t made a move yet. It just happened today they may go and take the title off of [Hardy] tomorrow and if they do that it’s fine.”

“I just think they can’t just [ignore this] and they are. You know they ignored it when the arrest happened. I mean they’ll get rid of guys for other things but this one they kind of just let happen. I mean it really bothers me a lot.”

WWE does what they want to do and this looks like just another example of that.

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Tags: Jeff Hardy
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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